Aptos (Universal)

Price 6.16
Market Cap $ 186K
24h Volume $ 27K

About uAPT

Aptos (Universal) (uAPT) is an ERC-20 token on the Base blockchain. Launched 7 months ago.

Wrapped Aptos (uAPT)is a tokenized representation of Aptos that can trade across multiple blockchains including Base, Polygon and Arbitrum. uAPT is backed 1:1 with Aptos token reserves under custody with Coinbase Prime. uAPT is an ERC20 token, enabling composability across DeFi applications. uAPT can be minted by providing the protocol with NEAR tokens and can be redeemed by burning the ERC20 token for the underlying APT.

Token Statistics

Contract address 0x9c0e042d65a2e1ff31ac83f404e5cb79f452c337
Name Aptos (Universal)
Symbol uAPT
Launch date Jul 31, 2024
Price 6.16
Market capitalization $ 186K
Trading volume (last hour) $ 911
Transactions (last hour) 4
Trading volume (day) $ 27K
Transactions (last day) 131

Liquidity Pools

Pool address Other token Trading volume (day)
0xa88c...83bf Wrapped Ether icon Wrapped Ether (WETH) $ 14M
0xae9a...5608 Wrapped Ether icon Wrapped Ether (WETH) $ 4
0x80a2...3d1f AstroPepeX icon AstroPepeX (APX) $ 2

About basecoins

BaseCoins tracks top ERC-20 tokens on Base, a layer-2 network built on Ethereum. Stay updated with real-time data and market trends. This site is actively developed—learn more on our about page.