Wrapped BMX Liquidity Token

Price 1.14
Market Cap $ 3M
24h Volume $ 186K

About wBLT

Wrapped BMX Liquidity Token (wBLT) is an ERC-20 token on the Base blockchain. Launched over 1 year ago.

What is the project about? BMX by Morphex is an emerging decentralized exchange on Base, offering spot and perpetual futures trading while requiring only a wallet connection to trade. What makes your project unique? With unique tokenomics, BMX is able to create a strong "flywheel" effect for liquidity providers to further attract more liquidity for traders. History of your project. BMX is a perpetual DEX created by Morphex and deployed on Base. The Morphex team has been working on the original protocol on Fantom since September 2021. What’s next for your project? We aim to become the leading perpetual DEX on Base while also displaying our innovative tokenomics that improve capital efficiency for token holders and liquidity providers. What can your token be used for? Wrapped BLT is the auto-compounding wrapper for BLT, which is an index of blue-chip crypto assets that earns fees from spot and margin trading. With wBLT, you can provide liquidity for BMX-wBLT to earn more rewards.

Token Statistics

Contract address 0x4e74d4db6c0726ccded4656d0bce448876bb4c7a
Name Wrapped BMX Liquidity Token
Symbol wBLT
Launch date Aug 26, 2023
Price 1.14
Market capitalization $ 3M
Trading volume (last hour) $ 5K
Transactions (last hour) 9
Trading volume (day) $ 186K
Transactions (last day) 445

Liquidity Pools

Pool address Other token Trading volume (day)
0x7ce3...98a8 USD Coin icon USD Coin (USDC) $ 46M
0x6190...31d5 BMX icon BMX (BMX) $ 34M
0x4299...7268 USD Coin icon USD Coin (USDC) $ 777K
0x17c9...9f25 BankrCoin icon BankrCoin (BNKR) $ 447K
0x48d0...5811 Mog Coin icon Mog Coin (Mog) $ 407K
0x1afc...7f43 Base God icon Base God (TYBG) $ 39K
0xf9ba...25d6 Base God icon Base God (TYBG) $ 24K
0x67c5...0f2a USD Coin icon USD Coin (USDC) $ 1,880
0x34a8...fe93 JINX Arcane icon JINX Arcane (JINX) $ 1,596
0x9c3a...43e6 Base God icon Base God (TYBG) $ 1,552
0x8643...efcd BASED icon BASED (BASED) $ 375
0xc609...8a93 Wrapped Ether icon Wrapped Ether (WETH) $ 106

About basecoins

BaseCoins tracks top ERC-20 tokens on Base, a layer-2 network built on Ethereum. Stay updated with real-time data and market trends. This site is actively developed—learn more on our about page.